The railway car to get into neural networks

The operation readiness of rolling stock will be determined automatically. Russian Railways has identified seven finalists in an open tender for the development of an automatic system of fault detection and commercial suitability of freight rolling stock. By mid-November objects for final testing will be defined for each innovative solution; the implementation roadmaps will be developed and approved as well. The railroads are expected to get a system that will optimize the process of rolling stock inspection. The open tender was conducted by the Center for Innovative Development of Russian Railways on the portal Single Innovation Window of Russian Railways in the interests of the Center of Corporate Transport Service (CCTS). The purpose was to search for an automatic system for detecting faults and the commercial suitability of rolling stock.

A total of 23 bids were received as part of the open tender conducted by the Center for Innovative Development of Russian Railways. The working group headed by the chief engineer of the Centre Dmitry Murev selected seven finalists.

At the next stage all the finalists of the open tender will work in the field. The field tests will show what solutions and technologies will be applied in the new system of fault detection and commercial suitability of freight rolling stock.

The real-time railway car number recognition system presented by OOO NVI Solutions uses the fundamentals of artificial intelligence in its operation. Not only video cameras, but also cell phones and tablets can be used to recognize the railway car number plates.

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