Russian innovations have a future. Global Pilots program finalists present their startups. Results of NVI Solutions.

The program started on 10 March and lasted 12 weeks. On 28 May, 18 startup finalists will present their startups and the results of the program to the wide audience. More than 90 experts from around the world took part in the program: from the United States, China, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Latin America and European countries.

The result of NVI Solutions

NVI Solutions is a software system that analyzes the video stream and records an employee’s working day at work. As a result of the accelerator, new tools from the program partners and specialists involved in promoting our products on the international market have been obtained. New acquaintances with potential business partners in Russia and abroad have been made.

The team of organizers tried to apply the best practices of global accelerators to the program. Philipp Belyaev, General Director of NVI Solutions said: “It is worth saying that this is the best accelerator in Russia we were lucky to take part in. Everything was organized at a high international level. The training programs were very useful both for our managers and our staff. It was especially interesting to obtain examples of practical sales cases on Western markets. The information we have learnt would have been impossible to get in any other training program in Russia”.

More information about the results of the program and the plans of the founders can be learnt at a startup pitch session on Youtube:

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