For the fourth time, Data Fusion brought together representatives from business, academia, and government.
The two-day conference program was packed with practical case studies, presentations, and discussions, featuring five tracks and over 300 speakers.
The topic of the NVI speaker’s presentation was “Features of Developing and Implementing Visual Intelligence Systems in the Oil and Gas Industry.” The presentation consisted of key “lessons” learned by our team during the transition from scientific laboratory to industry:
Prominent scientists and experts in Data Science discussed trends in various machine learning directions and AI technologies. The presentations covered a wide range of topics, from the development of large generative models, NLP, recommender systems, computer vision, to MLOps and optimization technologies. Experts shared insights on non-standard use cases of generative AI and best practices in data management.
We thank the organizers for the opportunity to participate in one of the main spring events in the field of big data analysis and AI technologies.